If you are planning a wonderful and successful business, then forgetting something like ice cream spoons could be catastrophic, so you need to make sure that it never happens to you.  When you are planning your business, make sure that you have the budget to purchase the items that you need, and that you have lists of everything that you need in order to make sure that you won’t forget anything on your way to ordering your supplies for your business.


Once you are beginning to open your business and get your actual physical location set up for opening day, you need to take an inventory of everything that you have received, including the bowls, ice cream, and most of all, the tasting spoons – after all, how else would you let people taste and fall in love with your awesome product if you didn’t have any way for them to eat the product that you are selling.  Once you have all of your supplies, and are organized enough to make sure that everything is ready for the opening day of your ice cream shop, it’s time open the doors and let all of the people in to sample your prize.


Now that it is time to start serving people, it is also time to make sure that everything is in the right place, that everyone knows where the right place for each thing is – meaning that all employees must be aware of where to put the gelato spoons.