Blog provided by Wicker Paradise
Most of the coverage and preventive measures we’ve seen related to COVID-19 have focused on preventing the spread of the disease while outdoors and in contact with other people. Wearing masks and social distancing may help stop the coronavirus from being spread from people, but are you taking the necessary measures to prevent the spread of the disease inside your home?
Whether we’re indoors or outdoors, we touch many surfaces. The unfortunate truth is that the coronavirus can enter our system through our hands when we touch our faces after touching a surface it’s lived on. And according to the research, it can last for up to 4 or 5 days on common household surfaces such as wood and metal. Plastic and stainless steel are other surfaces the coronavirus can stay on for days.
This is why it’s important to routinely disinfect commonly used surfaces and furniture. Experts believe that the virus does not live on soft surfaces like as it does on hard surfaces, but it is still wise to disinfect often-used furniture and its cushions. You can check the EPA’s list of registered disinfectants effective against the coronavirus or make your own disinfectant from a diluted bleach or alcohol solution. Follow the CDC’s directions to ensure safety and the best results.
Wicker Paradise is available to assist with all your furniture needs during the pandemic. Whether you need a new rattan couch or some outdoor replacement cushions, you can order online or set up an appointment to pick up your products by phone at 800-894-8357.